Believe me I am really sorry.I still feel ashamed and sad when I hear one of your songs or see your face in your pictures.I just can't stand them.You have been born in such a wrong place.I am serious.You were not supposed to be here. Even Victor Jara had a better destiny than you. I see something in your eyes that I have never seen in the eyes of the most honest people in this country. You are really brave enough to love your country and ignore the nation inside it. I am really sorry for you. The country which has always been a shelter for thieves , killers, liars and fakes ! This was not a right place for you. The wave of courage in your voice just makes me remember of "Le sacre de printemps" or maybe The ninth symphony . I know you confirm me too you were not born at the right place.You should have listened to your sister in that letter when you were still studying ; You should not have come! People only mention you as a fag who were always making fun of the most scared or the most stupid things ever created by God. I m really sorry for you.I still lay in bed and think about you and just try to imagine the scene when those bastards ,those animals ,those dirts were slaughtering you in your own kitchen and I can't tolerate that scene which you turned and saw your guests comming to you with their knives!!
"Father , forgive this people , because they don't know what they are doing" and the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.
This old man is dedicated
to exposing all of the
Theives, liars, con men,
swindlers, and propagandists
that have a selfish goal.
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I feel the same about him but you express that better ...
i found your blog through orkut ,hope to read more pieces from you...
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