I don't know what happened at the back of my mind.I was just chatting and talking with my friends till I received this image of yours just by accident and it made me remember a great deal of my inside.You are the only colored picture of mine in this blog. When I saw this photo of yours , I just don't know what happened but I remembered so many memories I haven't even experienced.I have always been an observer.I never felt anything but I am just creative.I only try to imagine and then defend any purity which any human-being can see which most of the time it's neglected.I see so human of you in this photo so human.That's why you
are a human-being. Didn't you think about everyone around you and someone like me in your next children? Didn't you think about me here watching your picture trembling from anger or hate ?Didn't you think about something heavy in my throat ready to explode any time? If my dad sees this photo of yours I know he will begin to cry either in front of me or somewhere I can't see.Those somewhere-s which I have never seen .Those somewhere-s with a cold pipe of a gun aimed on your head in the middle of nowhere deciding about your future in your own fatherland.I've never seen those days , those moments but the only thing I can say is :
I can't and won't ever imagine you in the middle of that cold yard with those animals surronding you and that damned rope around your neck
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